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Join us for our next monthly Sister's Breakfast on April 5!

We’re hiking! Pack your lunch, snacks, and water. Wear comfortable walking shoes and jacket. All sisters and friends are welcome. Please rsvp by Wednesday April 2nd.


Meet between 9-9:45am inside entrance at Cholita Linda
1 Ferry Building, Suite 44, San Francisco, CA.
Walk to Gate C at 9:45am to buy tickets ($31 round trip), then walk over to Gate B to take 10:00am ferry to Angel Island.

We’ll hike and eat lunch at one of the picnic areas and then return on the 3:20pm ferry for an arrival to Gate B by 3:50pm. 
*If you remember, please bring an encouragement card to give to a sister on our hike (sister mail )

We look forward to hanging out with you all!