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The International Singles Service Team invites singles from North America and across the world to the 2024 Singles Conference. They expect over 2,000 singles to gather in Anaheim, California from August 29 to September 1. Join in for a time of worship, fellowship, and discovery, centered on the Holy Spirit empowering singles to engage in God’s mission.

There is a growing sense that God’s calling is to join His incredible work in new and thrilling ways. The singles ministry is at the heart of this amazing story—it’s an exciting time to be part of this journey with God.

Watch the video and follow them on YouTube and Instagram.

Here is the schedule so far:


4 PM Registration opens

7 PM Opening worship


Social options throughout the afternoon

4 PM Leadership Workshop

7 PM Opening general session


8 AM Various morning gathering

9:30 AM General sessions

10:45 AM Break out classes & Workshops 

12:30 PM Lunch

Social options throughout the afternoon

4:30 PM Fellowship Mixer Rooms

8:30 PM Dance


10:30 AM General session worship

12:30 Conference Ends