Sharing From The Roby's On Their Trip To Visit RevivEE In Romania!
Four years ago, Shawn and Lena Wooten saw the need to strengthen Eastern European churches. They decided to take teams of passionate disciples each year to a church in each of the ten countries for the next ten years and called it "RevivEE" for "Revive Eastern Europe"! The first year, they went to the church in Odesa, Ukraine, with one group of disciples, then with another group of disciples, they spent two years in Chișinau, Maldova - as God would have it - at just the right time to help with war relief efforts and to help refugees from our Ukrainian family of churches. In those three years, the teams helped a new crop of young people to become Christians while providing our brothers and sisters with much-needed spiritual and physical support. This year finds RevivEE in Bucharest, Romania, and we have had the privilege of being a part of RevivEE 4.0 for this past week. The church in Bucharest had no baptisms in the last nine years, but in the previous three months with the RevivEE team, they've had seven baptisms and believe they will have more in the coming weeks! One of the most special things about RevivEE for us was meeting the disciples from Eastern Europe who would not have been able to be on the team if our fellowship had not made an impromptu special contribution last summer. A few of the RevivEE disciples had to flee Ukraine due to the war and are now using their time of hardship to save souls - and many of them would like to go into the full-time ministry after their time with ReviveEE. They are eager to learn, grow, and share their love and gratitude for Jesus. They had no hope in the world but are filled with so much hope in God now. It's been a time of joy and a time of humility as many on the team have personally thanked us for the contribution from our church and for usñ being willing to come to encourage them. However, we believe we have been the receivers of the most encouragement! From Brock and me to all of you: Thank you to the SF Bay Fellowship! We are so grateful for all of you and your willingness to support the mission of Jesus through RevivEE. - Anne Roby |
Seasoned Singles St. Patrick's Day Celebration!Saturday, March 16, 2024 Lucky you! Singles are invited to pizza and games on Saturday, March 16 at 6PM! Join us as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day and just have fun together at John and Lynne's Home in Redwood City/Emerald Hills! If you would like more information or the address, please email community@sfbayfellowship.com. We hope you can make it out to celebrate with us! For more infomation visit:
Renewal24 Workshop Series Continues Next SaturdayPast Workshop Lessons Now Available Robert and Michele Carrillo's Renewal24 Workshop Series continues this upcoming Saturday, March 16, at 9 AM. This is a Zoom online workshop with many teachers and topics focusing on how to live life in Jesus led by the Holy Spirit. The teachers and classes for this upcoming weekend are: Trying Differently: Changing by Means of the Spirit - Sean St.Jean Imitating Jesus: Response to Insults - Jennifer Konzen Getting past spiritual Walls and through Spiritual deserts - Robert Carrillo If you want to register for this Workshop, click the button below. The cost is free, but they ask for a $15 donation if you would like to help. The next Workshop in the series will be April 20. If you are interested in watching the past workshop series lessons for February (and more), they are now available at: https://www.thewayministry.global/ For more infomation visit: https://www.thewayministry.global/event-details/renewal24-workshop-march-16-2024
National Pi Day Is This Thursday 3/14
According to https://www.piday.org/, "Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter "π") is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie. Pi has been calculated to be over 50 trillion digits beyond its decimal point. As an irrational and transcendental number, it will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern." It is incredible how such a complex number is found everywhere in nature! How can a number that goes on and on with no patterns or consistencies yet be found everywhere!! It's truly amazing how God orchestrated these things! So, to have some fun on National Pi Day, we will share some 3.14 scriptures found in the NIV Bible. There are many otheres to explore, so hopefully you will take a moment to do so and have some fun with Pi. Enjoy! Mark 3.14 He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach Galatians 3.14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Philippians 3.14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me Colossians 3.14-15 “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Hebrews 3.14 “We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to 1 Peter 3.14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.“Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” 1 John 3.14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. |
Join Us At A Future Event!(Deadline For Hotel Reservations For The Sonoma Marriage Retreat Is March 15.) Good morning, and happy daylight savings time! Did you remember to change the clocks around your house or in your car? Hopefully, you have had a chance to do so. One extra hour of sleep sure makes a difference! Our fellowship groups will again meet in person around the Bay Area next weekend for Sunday Church Services. We would love to see you at one of our services! If you have any questions about any of our services, you can email us at community@sfbayfellowship.com or go to the "Find Your People" page on our website. Each Fellowship Group around the Bay will have its own email listed for additional information. This week, we will continue our midweek classes for our Winter Midweek Class Series. Please visit our website's event page for additional information and Zoom links. This weekend, we have a special announcement about the marriage retreat we announced in last weekend's newsletter hosted by our sister church in Sacramento. The DEADLINE to get a discounted room at the Sonoma Hyatt is this FRIDAY, MARCH 15. If you want to attend the retreat on April 6-7 and stay at the Sonoma Hyatt, please reserve your hotel ASAP. Here is the link to the events page on the Sac Metro Church website. The event is the first one listed on the page. Click the learn more button to register for the event and the hotel. You can always decide after March 15 to attend, but you will not get the special group rate for a room at the Sonoma Hyatt should you make a reservation after March 15. Finally, please remember that our All Fellowship Sunday Service this month will be on March 24, not March 31, since the 31st is Easter Sunday. We hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events! Phil 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. For more infomation visit: